Art Exhibition



I'm so excited to be planning my third summer in a row exhibiting with my dear friend Jo in the summer holiday paradise that is Apollo Bay on the victorian Great Ocean Road. What a dream!


An exhibition of beautiful landscapes and still lifes,
showcasing nature's beauty in every weather condition.


The year started with big expansive and expressive landscapes. The more I painted, the more I noticed how drawn I was to the 'feeling' of the landscapes. In particular, the skies. Beautiful atmospheric and ethereal skies.



I paint intuitively, without a plan. I am completely driven by mood and inspired by the weather, the music in my studio, and memories. The skycapes and landscapes I've been working on for this exhibition feature beautiful big moody dramatic skies and strong bold colours.

All paintings will be available to my mailing list on the day prior to the exhibition opening. Sign up at the bottom of this page or hit this link!


18-24 January 2024
Arts Inc Gallery, Apollo Bay



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